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Here Comes Spring

19 Aug

Today, here in Sydney. Australia, the day outside is pretty dismal. The sky is overcast, the rain is threatening, the winds are almost howling. Yet, Spring is just around the corner.

One of the first signs of Spring is the blooming of the yellow wattle, which starts early on. Maybe it’s really more a sign of winter, but somehow we seem to associate the appearance of bright flowers with Spring.

The early flowering prunus come next; all the pinks, rosy reds, and white of the flowering plums and peaches. Then, we have crab-apples, in delicate hues; splendid magnolias, some with absolutely massive flowers in shades of pink, purple-wine, and off-white. The wisteria comes into its own in mid to late September, and then we’re treated to displays of glorious lilac tones, enhanced by equally glorious perfume. But alas! Their glory is short lived; the spring winds come along, and hurry them away. And so, all we have left is the memory, and the promise of another display, next Spring.

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