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The Glow of Achievement!

3 Dec

Tonight, I’m reveling in a glow: a glow of achievement!

After many months, the end’s in sight: my seventh title is set to become a reality. It won’t be long before Ron: my husband, editor,  and builder of the Grand Organ in The Sydney Opera House Concert Hall: and I start planning its cover. A stage that I really love!

To say that writing this one has been easy is, in a word, inaccurate. It’s been plagued by interruptions: winter ills; day to day issues. I even wondered briefly if I would ever finish it.

But, as the weather warmed up, so did my enthusiasm. The ideas so integral to fiction writing began to form. Walking, swimming, or just relaxing: I’d mull these over: hopefully weeding out the rubbish, and refining the gold.

They say the virtue of achievement is victory over obstacles.

Is that the reason why our society loves a winner?