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Back to the Piano!

29 Oct

This afternoon, I treated myself to some music. Not just by switching on the radio, c.d. player or whatever. No: I decided to make my own. I played the piano.

Rusty, yes, but still it sparked the idea. I could still do it, despite scant attention of late to such things. Somehow, it brought me back to another time, another era: my pre school  life.

From early childhood, I remember my mother playing. Her repertoire was dominated by a handful of tunes: ‘The Teddy Bears’ Picnic’, ‘Repaz Band’, and ‘Norwegian Cradle Song’. Hands up who’s heard of these! But, in my youth, they were as familiar to me as the top of the pops.

So, is it surprising that, as a youngster, I wanted to give music a go? After all, it was in the genes.

And today I demonstrated that, just like riding a bicycle, you never forget.

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What is a Friend?

21 Sep

Some of us tend to bundle everyone we know together under the category of ‘friends.’   Clearly, social media sites are encouraging this practice. However, it may be that true ‘friends’ are in scarce supply.  Conversely, it may also be that people to whom we pay scant attention,  qualify as ‘friends’ of a high order.

It’s said that a friend in need is a friend indeed: and, if so, doesn’t this give us a clue to what friendship is all about?  Sure, it’s easy to be a friend when everything’s fine and dandy.  But, when trouble comes along, friendship may seem more costly: and only your genuine friends may be happy to be in your company.

On the other hand, it sometimes happens that adversity gives folk the chance to help out the person in difficulty.  This can, at times, enable us to realise we have more friends that we guessed, especially if the help comes from a totally unexpected source.

Don’t we all need friends, to survive and thrive in this difficult yet beautiful world?

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