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Review: A Taste of Life and Love in Australia

17 Oct


Is your favourite theme love and romance? Do you have just minutes to while away? Do you like real page turners?

If you answered yes to the above, or even if you didn’t, why not consider ‘A Taste of Life and Love in Australia’?

Averaging just four pages each. this volume contains some of my all-time favourites, starting with the first story.

‘The Girl Next Door’ relates a very young man’s struggle to make a first date with the girl of his dreams. Written from the male point of view, it aims to engage  interest from the beginning since Allen, the hero, is sketched as a rather shy but likeable guy: the sort of person for whom you’d go in to bat. Sadly,perhaps, the outcome is not a happy one. But readers, don’t despair! The story is taken up again in ‘A Second Chance’, at book’s end.

Another stand-out story, and Ron’s particular favourite, is ‘A Song For Ellie’, again written from the male point of view. In desperation, a young man resolves to write a song: not just any old song, but a touching, inspiring one, to give to a lovely young singer whom he idolises. How does he fare?

How have people responded to this book? One female reader of mature years tells me she “loves the first story”. Another says she’d often pick it up, intending to read only one tale, and go on to several!

Interested? Then, why not investigate the Amazon web-page which features ‘Look Inside’. If you’re impressed, please spread the word.


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