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The Charisma of Live Music

20 Nov

I danced last night to the rhythm of a band: one that specializes in the hits 1950’s to 1980’s. It was enthralling!

Why is it that we get so caught up in the excitement of the moment? Why do we forget our aches and pains, and become young again? Why do we all turn up our extroversion, and let go with the actions our souls prescribe?

That’s the magic of live music, the real here and now stuff that sets our hearts and minds aglow!

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What Makes a Good Book?

17 Nov

What makes a good book? You know what I’m talking about: the type you can’t put down, that haunts you when you’re away, captivates your mind.

A real page turner is one that involves your emotions, and therein lies the secret. How can you care about the outcome if you don’t care about the people?

Isn’t great characterization the cornerstone of a good book?

Couple  this with a believable, engaging plot; write it with feeling; and, as if by magic, you’re on a winner!

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