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The Second Time Around

22 Oct

Have you ever re-read a novel after many years ?

I’m in the process of rediscovering Jane Austin’s classic, ‘Pride and Prejudice’, having first encountered it half my life-time ago.

It’s rather strange, since I’ve seen the wonderful television presentation many times in the interim. Faithful details from the novel find there way into the script, of course: yet there are some noticeable differences, particularly  actions of  the hero Mister Darcy. I won’t spoil your sense of discovery by detailing them!

I’m sure Jane Austin’s language strikes modern readers as elegant and elaborate, and certainly stamps the period. Image twenty-first century people routinely uttering such involved speeches! Imagine, too, the lessons in vocabulary that most of us would need to copy them! Lastly,  imagine the situations of the young women of the times, whose success in life –  indeed –  livelihood, so often hinged on marrying into wealth and society!

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