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After the Rain, the Flood…..

9 Mar

Yesterday, the rain….Today, the flood!

A bright sunny Sydney day; not a cloud in the sky. That’s what we awakened to this morning! So off we head to the local river baths.

But, alas, history repeats itself: the river is in flood. The turbid water creates a diminishing visibility of about two inches; after that, you can’t see anything save the brownness. I know: I poked a stick in to see.

Debris: mainly leaf litter, though interspersed with filthy scum, floats in clusters near the promenade. At high tide, the water level is about one foot above that predicted for normal conditions, and the temperature’s about four degrees lower.

So, I’ll be saying good-bye to swimming there for a week or more, until Mother Nature sanctions the clean-up. With dams now full to overflowing, we can only wonder when….

Yet, casting our minds back a few short years, we wondered when, and if, the heavy rains would ever come…..That’s nature for you, isn’t it?

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