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What Makes me Happy?

12 Oct

What makes YOU happy? Success, a compliment, fruition, relief?

I’m happy today because I’ve just published my fifth book, ’60 Questions, Insights and Reminiscences’. I’m doubly happy because those respected few who’ve read it are clearly alive with enthusiasm!

The happiness of publishing this book grows when I consider the possibilities. To be recognised and liked by the wider community, especially by discerning readers, seems mind-boggling.

And then, there’s the commercial side. A popular book would translate into dollars: perhaps enough to build our long-cherished dream of a music room. Our home is small, and what a joy it would be to have a beautiful room with high, ornate ceilings, and good acoustics to compliment our musical activities. We could have a Grand Piano in one corner, and comfy lounges for listeners to sink into. Heaven!

Will it happen? Who knows? It’s all up to you, and the other readers of the world.

Whatever hand fate deals me, at least I can dream!

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