Archive | April, 2013

‘A Taste of Life and Love in Australia’ Makes the List!

29 Apr

The vicissitudes of life can create joy, sorrow, or any number of emotions.  I for one like to dwell on the positive.

Therefore, it gives me great pleasure to announce that my second title, ‘A Taste of Life and Love in Australia’ has passed the criteria and been approved for listing by Awesome Indies.

Why is this so exciting? Well, it demonstrates that ‘A Taste…’ has been deemed to be of professional quality by a person qualified in the judgement of literature.

The ‘Awesome Indies’ list aims to assist readers in discerning and selecting well-written, evocative books. Spanning the genres, you’ll find high-quality titles.

Three years ago, who would have thought that a book written by myself would be amongst them?

Little Things Mean So Much…

17 Apr

In today’s world, compliments are rare. It seems all too easy for folk to pass over the doings of others, and forget to say those little things that amount to praise, or take those actions that give others a boost.

So I count myself extremely fortunate today to have met a friend that has just paid me the type of compliment I most desire. He tells me he has borrowed one of my titles : ‘A Taste of Life and Love in Australia’ :from the local library, and is about to start reading it….

This knowledge made me smile: and the glow of pleasure it produced lasted for hours. My mood lifted, just as sunrise lifts curtain of darkness. The day went from hum-drum to fantastic: and all because he’d chosen to sample one of my titles, and bothered to impart his decision to me.

It got me thinking: how  little acts of kindness or interest in others can achieve what no pill can; and often, what society’s  great god, money, cannot.

Reflections on the Internet: The age of Computers.

16 Apr

Ten: even five: years ago, the internet and I were almost strangers. I’d grown up in an era where computers were absent from homes and schools. Sure I’d heard of them, but they seemed to be part of another world, a world of which I did not belong.

When, a few years back, I decided to start writing, computers became a part of my life. They were a massive improvement on the old-fashioned manual typewriters that I’d grown up with, and never quite mastered. Using them was, to me, a battle, and one that I rarely, if ever, won.

But an even greater revelation of the worth of computers soon entered my consciousness. Instead of being an occasional adventure, using the internet became a regular event. Topics from avocado to zoology were covered, usually in fine detail, and often from a variety of sources.

I wonder what my parents and grandparents would make of today’s modern lifestyle where home and business computers are the norm.

Want to Learn about my Secret Life?

11 Apr

Secrets! Don’t they conjure up a niggling desire to know?

Today, my secrets are revealed!

Just wander over to the wonderful blog of one of Australia’s top novelists, Rachael Johns, and check it out.

My Secret Life is on display for all the world to see!

Here’s the link:

Early Autumn :Sunrise in Sydney

4 Apr
Sunrise in Sydney Australia

Sunrise in Sydney Australia

House light reflections

House light reflections

It had seemed destined to be a hassle: this (very) early-morning swim meet.

A 7a.m. start has set a precedent: the earliest in  all my decades of attendance.

And yet….

The magic starts as we amble down the hill. I catch more than a glimpse of distant houselights, reflecting on the river. A sight I’ve never seen before.

But that is only the beginning: the true spectacle will soon begin, and eclipse  my most wondrous expectations

I have never before seen a sunrise from this vantage point.  Watching the changing sky, minute by minute, second by second, is truly awesome. Clouds atop the trees are taking on brilliant hues and highlights. Below, the river echoes their reflections.

Small wonder that photographers try to capture it all!

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