Tag Archives: proof of existence

Why Do I Write?

27 Aug

I suppose all writers have asked themselves at some stage, “Why am I doing this?”

Equally, I guess, there’s been a diversity of answers;  hence, the reference to myself personally in this title.

Writing is an affirmation of self. That is to say, it validates the existence of the writer, confirming them as a human being;  and,  unarguably, unique, since every human differs from the next person.  This concept applies even to identical twins,  since they are individuals first,  and twins, second.

Similar to photography, writing attempts to seize life, and put it on paper, or, these days, on a screen. Perhaps this can also be seen as a validation of life, for it seems to fall into the same categories:  proof of existence, and an example of self and subject at that particular time.

Apart from all those deep concepts,  writing can be used as a way of shaping society’s opinions and ideas, and motivating people to change.  By getting it off their chest, writers can also feel that they have unburdened themselves, and at least tried to make a difference.

Why do I write books?   Well, my books of Short Stories are composed to entertain, and to shed light on human nature, irrespective of whether or not the reader approves of the outcome.  At the very least, the theme of each story is planted into the reader’s mind.

Finally, I must concede that I write in the hope of getting some credit for my work, and, hopefully, make an honest dollar or two in the process.

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